My Roommate Is a Gumiho is a new rom-com series that revolves around the unexpected cohabitation of college student Lee Dam and a mysterious gumiho Shin Woo Yeo. Kkondae Intern director Nam Sung Wo, WhatŌĆÖs Wrong with Secretary Kim writers Baek Sun Woo, and Choi Bo Rim helm the production. The cast lineup includes Jang Ki Yong, Hyeri, Kang Hanna, Kim Do Wan, and Bae In Hyuk. ┬Ā

Jang Ki Yong ŌĆō Shin Woo Yeo (999 years old, gumiho)

He is a tragic character who became a male gumiho because he was born in a year of bad luck. He is handsome enough to be a protagonist of the ŌĆ£gumiho legendŌĆØ and has extraordinary abilities such as changing his appearance, contracting space, and psychokinesis. Living a long life, he has worked various jobs. Now, he is writing a history book as the ŌĆ£living witnessŌĆØ of history. He can become a human once his bead turns blue with humansŌĆÖ energy before he turns 1000. But his grand wish still hasnŌĆÖt come true. Now, he doesnŌĆÖt know why he has to be a human, and everything is meaningless to him. And one day, college student Lee Dam swallows his fox bead by accident. ┬Ā

Hyeri ŌĆō Lee Dam (22 years old, college student)

She has to say whatŌĆÖs on her mind, is determined, doesnŌĆÖt care what others think, and canŌĆÖt sit idly by when sheŌĆÖs mistreated or is insulted. DamŌĆÖs mother, a fashion editor, only provides a minimum living cost to raise her daughter as an independent person. So when her friends are dating, she drinks alone in her home and binge-watch historical dramas. For the first time in life, she fell in love, and her crush isnŌĆÖt even a human. One day, she swallows the fox bead by mistake, and from that moment, her cohabitation with the gumiho begins.

Kang Hanna ŌĆō Yang Hye Sun (22 years old on her ID, but is actually 747 years old former gumiho)

SheŌĆÖs Shin Woo YeoŌĆÖs close friend. Their friendship continued for more than 700 years. She feels lonely often, is simple, and loves spending time with humans. After she became a human, she boasts the fact to Shin Woo Yeo. But to be honest, she isnŌĆÖt that bright. It took 20 years for her to learn the Korean language. Even now, she misunderstands from time to time and says bizarre things. She has been in love multiple times in her long life, but all of them ended in vain. And now, she continues to get involved with DamŌĆÖs friend Jae Jin. ┬Ā

Kim Do Wan ŌĆō Do Jae Jin (22 years old, Lee DamŌĆÖs best friend)

He has it all ŌĆō solid figure, handsome looks, and sweet and loyal personality. But heŌĆÖs too soft-hearted. When he falls in love, he turns into a fool who gives everything. And thatŌĆÖs why he was bumped many times. Up until now, he cried a ton over foxy girls. But now, he continues to get involved with Hye Sun, who used to be a real fox once. ┬Ā

HeŌĆÖs the most popular guy at the Seogwa University. Thanks to his good looks and wealth, girls are lining up to be his girlfriend. But unlike other girls, Lee Dam avoids him. Lee Dam acts all defensive and shuns all his advances, but what started as a curiosity turned into a real crush. ┬Ā

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