A Model Family is a crime thriller series that follows a man named Dong Ha (played by Jung Woo), who is on the verge of bankruptcy and divorce. After unwittingly stealing money from a deceased, his life takes a staggering U-turn into unexpected misery. Jung Woo plays Dong Ha, a struggling breadwinner of the family, and Park Hee Soon plays Gwang Cheol, a drug gang on the hunt for the stolen money. The two will tell an exciting yet extreme story of two men who must save his family and retrieve the money that belongs to a cartel. Yoon Jin Seo plays Dong HaŌĆÖs wife, Eun Joo, who wants a divorce with a daring secret she had never told anyone. Park Ji Yeon plays Joo Hyeon, a cop who investigates Dong HaŌĆÖs familyŌĆÖs connection with Gwang Chul.

The teaser trailer begins with people checking on each other in a peaceful village. Dong Ha accidentally comes across a bag of money in a dead menŌĆÖs car and hides the money without realizing the trouble that awaits him. Meanwhile, Joo Hyun looks into the connection between Dong Ha and Gwang CheolŌĆÖs criminal gang, and Dong Ha slowly loses his sense of self as he does whatever it takes to protect his family. Viewers are left wondering how the story will unfold as things go south as they try their best to solve the misery they are facing. A Model Family Āwill premiere on August 12th. Source: Nexflilx

 A Model Family  Trailer  Jung Woo Seeks to Save His Broken Family In a Netflix Series - 52