According to reports made on July 15th, SBSŌĆÖ new Friday-Saturday drama, Taxi Driver Season 2, suddenly decided to halt its production due to a resurgence of the pandemic and positive test results among staff members. The cast and crew recently flew to Vietnam to film the sequel, but it resulted in sending a majority of staff members into quarantine due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Reports say that no cast members including Lee Jae Hoon have yet tested positive for the virus. The seriesŌĆÖ representatives reported, ŌĆ£It is true that some of our staff members have tested positive for coronavirus. After much discussion, we decided to temporarily halt the production as we put the health of our cast and crew first.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Taxi Driver 2 will premiere in the latter half of 2023 as scheduled. Source (1)

Lee Je Hoon s  Taxi Driver 2  Temporarily Halts Its Production - 86