However, such a concern blew away instantly with Once Again, which ended last week. Lee Sang Yeob stole viewersŌĆÖ hearts as realistic yet lovely Yoon Gyu Jin, who reunites with Song Na Hee (Lee Min Jung) after their divorce and becomes a father of a twin. Lee Sang Yeob conducted a video interview with Daily Sports to mark the end of the show. ┬Ā Q1. The 100-episode drama has finally come to an end. I started filming for this drama in January and spent three seasons, winter, spring, and summer. Despite many difficult situations like the COVID-19 pandemic and long monsoon season, we relied on each other and came to a solid end. I finally realize all the reactions to the drama and Yoo Gyu Jin. IŌĆÖm choked up by the fact that itŌĆÖs over. ┬Ā Q2. How did you join a weekend drama? IŌĆÖve been a fan of writer Yang Hye Seung. I wanted to work with her for a long time. Q3. In the end, you became a father of a twin. I really didnŌĆÖt expect that. I learned about it when I read the script. It was me who came up with the fetus nicknames ŌĆ£Ogoo Ogoo.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Q4. I heard that there are a lot of things to learn from working on weekend dramas. Now I know how to work on a project that requires a long time. I became more quick-sighted and quick-witted. I also learned that I need to be more relaxed to show a more comfortable performance. ┬Ā Q5. You received a lot of love as ŌĆ£Na Gyu couple.ŌĆØ Many viewers say that we resemble each other. I think they sympathized with the realistic portrayal of the conflict, crisis, restoration, and reunion. ┬Ā Q6. Despite being a weekend drama, it received much attention from teens. I kind of realized that through Instagram. Teens and viewers in their 20s showed their love via social media, whereas elderly viewers showed their supports in restaurants, so I got to receive a lot of love in various ways. I think young friends liked it because there were no uncomfortable situations in the drama. Because the story itself was interesting, viewers showed realistic supports. Q7. You showed good chemistry with Lee Min Jung. If you two were to work on the same project again? The romance genre is also good, but I think appearing as a brother and sister and overcoming a crisis might be fun. You know, like action film with twists and turns. I have relied on her a lot. I leaned on her from the start to the end and thanked her several times. ┬Ā Q8. What are you really like when your dating someone? WhoŌĆÖs your ŌĆ£dream girlŌĆØ? It depends on who I date. As I get older, I became stubborn. I guess I should ŌĆ£lowerŌĆØ my stubbornness if I want to date someone. I like someone comfortable. I am looking for someone who wonŌĆÖt feel uncomfortable even when I show my ugly sides. ┬Ā Q9. What kind of actor do you want to be remembered as? Finishing Once Again, I became more afraid. I want to work longer by filling up the bowl of ŌĆ£I.ŌĆØ I want to remain as an actor who naturally melts into every situation. ┬Ā Source (1)

Lee Sang Yeob Talks About Finishing His Drama  Once Again  - 1Lee Sang Yeob Talks About Finishing His Drama  Once Again  - 87