Lomon, whoŌĆÖs been building a solid filmography with All of Us Are Dead and Revenge of Others, talked about various things with News1.┬Ā┬Ā Q1. How do you feel about finishing ŌĆśRevenge of OthersŌĆÖ? This was the first project that I joined as a lead actor. So I felt pressured and worried, but I poured my best, so I have no regrets. IŌĆÖd like to thank the director, writer, fellow actors, and staff.┬Ā Q2. You received attention with ŌĆśAll of Us Are Dead.ŌĆÖ DidnŌĆÖt you have pressured? I am grateful that All of Us Are Dead received so much love. I tried to calm myself down as best as I could. And I tried to focus on the filming and encourage myself. So I didnŌĆÖt feel pressured.┬Ā Q3. Did you feel the popularity? I donŌĆÖt go outside a lot. And not that many people recognized me. So I donŌĆÖt really feel it yet.┬Ā Q4. The show is now all released. I started after only getting the scripts up to episode 3. I didnŌĆÖt know how the story ended until I finished filming and didnŌĆÖt know who the culprit was. Personally, IŌĆÖm glad that it ended with a happy ending.┬Ā Q5. Did you really not know who the culprit was? IŌĆÖm sure Seo Ji Hun knew. I remember we asked each other, ŌĆ£YouŌĆÖre the culprit, arenŌĆÖt you?ŌĆØ as if we were playing the mafia game. We realized who the culprit was after the script for episode 12 came out. I even suspected myself at some point.┬Ā Q6. There are comments that you look like SHINeeŌĆÖs Minho? I have heard it several times since I was young. My friend actually saw Minho, and he called me to tell me that we do resemble each other. IŌĆÖm thankful, thatŌĆÖs all. Q7. Is working out your hobby? IŌĆÖve gained 25kg. I was always skinny. So I worked really hard to make this body. Q8. What does ŌĆśRevenge of OthersŌĆÖ mean to Lomon? It was a challenge. I thought IŌĆÖd be able to show various sides of myself in terms of emotional action scenes. IŌĆÖve grown a lot. Q9. Is your next project ŌĆśAll of Us Are Dead 2ŌĆÖ? What genre do you want to try? We still werenŌĆÖt told when the filming would begin. IŌĆÖve fought with zombies and taken revenge for others, so IŌĆÖd like to try youthful dramas thatŌĆÖll warm viewersŌĆÖ hearts in this cold weather. ItŌĆÖs also nice to play a high schooler once more. But I want a worldview where no one dies. (laughs) There are so many projects I want to challenge. IŌĆÖd love to go to space and also try the historical genre.┬Ā Source (1)

Lomon on  All of Us Are Dead 2   Wanting to Star in a Warm Drama  and More - 98Lomon on  All of Us Are Dead 2   Wanting to Star in a Warm Drama  and More - 87