Yesterday, a media outlet released an exclusive report based on an anonymous tipper who claimed to have went to school with Nam Joo Hyuk. The source stated that the actor was a member of a clique that harassed other students and that he had bullied him in school. With these allegations, people are paying attention to what Nam Joo HyukŌĆÖs other alumni wrote last February. ŌĆ£I sat next to Nam Joo Hyuk in middle school,ŌĆØ One of his alumni explained. ŌĆ£He used to have short hair and was very tall. He was a genuinely nice kid but didnŌĆÖt do well in class. We hardly saw him in classes as he was on the basketball team.ŌĆØ A student currently studying at the school where Nam Joo Hyuk went, stated, ŌĆ£The librarian is still working at the same school. According to him, Nam Joo Hyuk was very athletic, tall and popular. He said that the actor later visited the school and donated scholarship funds. His photos and autographs are still on display in the library.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Management SOOP has referred the following case to a legal advisor to take further legal action. ŌĆ£An attitude of ŌĆ£whatever if it is falseŌĆØ and only relying on groundless rumors online leads to the actor being branded with a scarlet letter, which the agency really cannot help but feel distressed and regrettable about,ŌĆØ his rep stated. Source (1)

Nam Joo Hyuk s Agency Announces Legal Action Against School Bullying Accusations - 43