On August 31st, the now-suspended Twitter user shared in a Telegram chatroom, A lot has happened in the last 48 hours, and IŌĆÖve had some conversations with important people. After much discussion, IŌĆÖve decided I will no longer post any content about Jennie and V.Ø Earlier on August 23rd, the Twitter user stirred up the internet after releasing a series of photos featuring V and Jennie. Since the images seem to have been taken by the female singer herself as they were taken in places like a hair salon and VŌĆÖs apartment, many accused the Twitter user of invading the privacy of the two idols. When the Twitter account got suspended, the anonymous user created a Telegram chatroom and said, I immediately contacted V and Jennie as soon as I saw these pictures. IŌĆÖve sent messages to Jennie several times but I never heard back from her. If you think IŌĆÖve done something wrong enough to be arrested, tell themĀto file a lawsuit against me. I will release a photo a day starting from August 31st.Ø Source (1)

Will There Be No More Photos of BTS  V and BLACKPINK s Jennie  The Initial Leaker Says They ll Stop Posting - 19